About Me

I am a fullstack web developer with experience in React, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, SQL and more. I have a background in Registered Nursing and Health Sciences, and have studied concepts such as team managment, policy development, and healthcare informatics. My passion for problem solving and determination to find new ways to optimize solutions to common problems led me to study the field of software engineering.


Background and Education

Software Engineering Bootcamp

App Academy

An intensive 1000-hour full-stack software development course focusing on: Ruby, Rails, SQL, JS, React, Redux, CSS, OOD, TDD, algorithms, data structures, and web development best practices.

During this program I learned many new languages and technologies including: React, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, D3.js, SQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services, HTML, CSS, Mongoose, MongoDB, RSpec, Capybara, jQuery, Git, Heroku , and Webpack. I also designed and built 3 projects that helped solidify my knowledge and expand my understanding of how these technologies work together.

Master of Science - Nursing and Health Studies

Athabasca University

While this program focuses on nursing and healthcare professionals, I studied many topics applicable to workplace environments in any profession. These include: Leadership and Management, Adult Teaching and Learning, and Research Strategies.

Some of my specific areas of study included:

  • Understanding how to effectively support adult learners when transitioning into a new profession or workplace
  • Integrating technology into Canadian healthcare to improve system processes and access to care
  • Effective leadership, communication, and conflict resolution skills within the workplace
  • Writing successful program proposals for grant funding to support healthcare initiatives
  • Addressing Canada's opioid crisis through public health policy reform

Advanced Perinatal Nursing Specialty

British Columbia Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Vancouver Island University

Skills and Technologies

My Projects

Busy Bee

BusyBee is an original design concept that was built in collaboration with a team of developers. The premise of this application is to solve the commonly studied travelling salesman problem. By combining multiple Google APIs including Maps Javascript, Places, Directions, and Geocoding we created an application that allows users to input multiple destinations and returns and optimized route by calculating the order and path in which to visit each destination in the fastest possible manner while considering factors such as traffic, road closures, and business hours. This application was built using a MERN stack, with MongoDB as the database, Express and Node as the server, and React as the frontend.

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Willow is a fullstack clone of the real estate site Zillow that uses Ruby on Rails as a backend, providing custom user auth by utilizing the BCrypt gem to store hashed passwords, features a full CRUD cycle allowing users to post their own listings, and leverages React components to display content.

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Covid-19 Timeline

Covid-19 Timeline is a simple Javascript data visualization that combines both my interests in technology and healthcare. Using D3.js library, I was able to produce an interactive, color-coded map of the US to toggle through total active Covid-19 cases by state per month. Data was collected using axios calls to access an external api and stored using Github Gists to provide faster look up on repeat interactions.

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